Enterprise Content Management

Who we work with


Biztras implemented world class document management system for Al Barari for document review and approval process .

Abudabi Tourism

Al Barari was having significant challenges to store, manage and track paper documents in facility management, HR, Finance, Sales, Community, and Senior Leadership. Staff were having trouble in locating records, sorting documents and identifying key pieces of information. This resulted in lower customer service, burdened staff and overlooked information. To make matters worse, paper records can only be in one place at a time, meaning they are not always accessible to the person who needs them.


OUR SOLUTIONS world class
    • Search features, including instant search suggestions and simple search filtering, speed the retrieval of relevant content.
    • Smart folders facilitate content discovery by grouping files based on what they are rather than where they’re stored
    • Rich metadata models, or properties, can be used to move documents automatically through a business process or records management lifecycle
    • Built-in workflows simplify document review and approval, while custom process definitions can streamline any content-intensive activity

  • 80% efficiency improvement in the bidding process, reduced from 30 days to 5-7 days.
  • 96% acceleration in design review cycles, from 3-4 days to 3-4 hours.
  • 88-90% reduction in days required for communications with third parties, with turnaround time down from 25-28 days to 3 days.
  • 50-66% reduction in days required for change management, from 21 days to 5-7 days.

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