Enterprise Content Management

Korea National Oil Corporation


Biztras helped Korea National Oil Corporation (KNOC) to organize their documents by digitizing their paper archives and providing them a Document Management System.

Abudabi Tourism
Client Challenge

KNOC office in Abu Dhabi city is managing projects in UAE; as a result they have a lot of paper documents managed by office staff in in a traditional way. Their major problem was to retrieve and search for documents, which took a lot of their time and impacted on their productivity.

Our Solution world class

    BIZTRAS helped them to organize their documents by digitizing their paper archives and providing them a Document Management System, to upload, search, retrieve and share their documents electronically.

Client Result

Using our system, KNOC staff can now search any documents with a unique reference number and/or other search criteria and retrieve the required document(s) within few seconds. This transition of managing documents manually to electronically has given them the opportunity to streamline their paper work, have electronic workflows and processes, reduce costs and errors, which speeds up order processing and payments etc. All in all their productivity has vastly improved after this smooth transition.

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